Teen-Adult & Family Classes

Come observe a class, or try a class for free!!
Monday and Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm
New family class times coming soon!
Ask for details

Teen and adult classes at Galesburg Kuk Sool are dynamic. Many students sign up at our school because they either want to learn self-defense, improve physical stamina, lose weight, gain self-confidence, or because they always wanted to try martial arts training. Through consistent training, students will develop and improve their abilities by gaining strength, agility, balance, flexibility, and coordination while at the same time improving focus and concentration. Students who train together often develop lifelong friendships. The mutual respect and the positive environment at Galesburg Kuk Sool can't help but enhance your quality of life.

Family Classes

Many families are seeking a way to slow down in today's fast-paced world and to spend quality time together. Kuk Sool training is a wonderful way to achieve a healthier body, mind, and way of life. There are few activities that families can do together and receive the same physical and mental benefits. The positive family atmosphere of Galesburg Kuk Sool has made an impact on our community as well as our lives.

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